RCCG's Worldwide Vision & Mission
As received by our General Overseer (G.O.), Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and communicated to the Headquarters leaders, our vision and mission statement are as follows:
- To make heaven.
- To take as many people with us.
- To have a member of RCCG in every family of all nations.
- To accomplish No. 1 above, holiness will be our lifestyle.
- To accomplish No. 2 and 3 above, we will plant churches within five minutes walking distance in every city and town of developing countries and within five minutes driving distance in every city and town of developed countries.
As a parish of RCCG
In addition to the RCCG's Worldwide vision & mission stated above, Shalom Centre is planted:
- To grow the faith of believers and make God's gifts to be manifested in their lives.
- To build a group of believers that are ready to serve God with a passion to bring glory to the Lord.
- To bring comfort to the broken-hearted till their faces radiate the glory of God and the devil is put to shame.
- To bring comfort & deliverance to the afflicted and healing to the sick in the name of Jesus Christ.
- To encourage believers to depend on God and be able keep the faith in this crooked and perverse period.
- To bring messages of peace to the afflicted and break the yokes of the adversary.
- To proclaim the gospel of peace at every opportunity to every race & gender.
RCCG Shalom Centre is the church arm of Shalom Centre, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England & Wales (Charity No: 1154266)
Telephone: 01708929930 E-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 01708929930 E-Mail: [email protected]
Copyright © RCCG Shalom Centre 2025. All Rights Reserved.